Below is an overview of all the products Wellness supplies to our service. We try our best to keep on top of refilling them, but if you notice we are out or running low, please fill out the form below to let us know.

Coffee & Tea

An assortment of hot beverage options will be available on all training dates. Options may change but can include coffee, various teas and hot chocolate. Sugar, cream and milk will also be provided.

white and red ceramic mug filled with tea
white and red ceramic mug filled with tea
Shower Supplies

Both fleet stations will be equipped with shampoo, conditioner, body and face wash. If we are running low please let us know asap.

Hand lotion will soon be supplied at all bases. We just ask that you leave the bottles where they are. Our bottles will be easily identified with a sticker of our logo.

Hand Lotion
black wooden cabinet with mirror
black wooden cabinet with mirror
Clarins cream soft-tube
Clarins cream soft-tube


Went to find our awesome products but realized there was none left? Please fill out the form below.